Sunday Mass Schedule
8:00 am - Online Mass via Zoom (Meeting ID: 88549109553 Password: 099161)
11:00 am - Sunday Mass at St. Therese Mission

A Message from the Chaplain
My warmest felicitations to all devotees and pilgrims of St. Therese Mission.
Above all, with praises and gratitude to God for His divine providence that inspired us to take part in the planting of this Little Flower. In the scenic Mojave, this little flower has started to bloom; a humble yet promising faith-community has planted a sanctuary of faith, prayer, family, and life at the heart of the Old Spanish Trail.
This sacred edifice is named in honor of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and it is my fervent prayer that we may deepen our devotion into concrete works of faith and warm gestures of love. By doing good on earth even in the smallest of things but with great love; this is the little way of our beloved Saint. It is my wish that her spirit and virtues be concretized in this growing little flower in the desert, in which the St. Therese Mission shall live to inspire and serve the present time and beyond.
Fr. Joel Aquino PACEM, MA-PAM
A full standing Mission of the Catholic Diocese of Fresno, the St. Thérèse Mission is capable of holding religious sacraments and events, such as Baptisms, Weddings, Confession and Masses.
For any inquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and other sacraments of service, please contact us via email or phone at:, (702) 848-7577